No one can seriously say that stealing from and torching businesses is really excusable but it must also be said that the majority of recent rioting was down to a lot of young people who come from privation and dont come from a Janet and John background in a nice middle class area, even despite the occasional anomaly from a good backgroundd which the media like to feature.
For a few moments lets look at the lack of leadership for these kids and some of the recent role models. First we have corrupt well paid reporters and journos who were quite prepared to hand dosh to equally corrupt police officers.for tips and rumours, to add to the factoids which they had already hacked from private cell phone messaage boxes. Once again we are confronted by the poacher-gamekeeper dual roles beloved by people in leading positions. Its truly criminal to hack phones and even more criminal to bribe coppers for private gossip and info. Worst of all as an example of criminal hipocrisy is that there were high flying rozzers willing to enter into into these mutally satisfying arrangements. And if this was not enough right at the top were the fine examples of law and order in the Houses of Parliament. These fine and upstanding crooks were fiddling expenses claims out of the public purse.
And... lets not forget the crooked and greedy activity of leading bankers etc who have literally brought many people to levels of privation . Off course this is white collar crime and therfore not nearly as serious as blue collar crime irrespective of the collossal sums involved and all the more galling to ordinary honest folk that these same crooks aka bankers are actually getting bonuses and rewards for their outrageous activities. It is people like these scumbags who have acted as fine icons of our modern society for rather too many poorly educated kids from sordid backgrounds about as far from a Janet and John book as they can get and with little if any future.