John Peel, Legendary DJ, Musical Sage and a nice bloke.



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2012 is a critical year for the UIK

My Leeds correspondent came to stay for a few days this week and aside from the normal , for us , discourse on waste and drinking water quality we fell to talking about the renewed paranoia from the main parties about the new so called threats to our so called democrasy. Despite this desire from Westminster for monitoring of the vast majority of our phone calls and emails to keep us secure, hah bloody hah,  there has been no terrorist outrage in the UK since the 7/7 attacks on the transport system in London.  Now of course there are always some random nutters and extremists threatening any democratic system, but by any system its been very quiet on the Mad Bomber front for the last five years.

Bearing in mind that even 7/7 is viewed with suspicion from some cynical but not necessarily insane quarters, because similarities of timing and modus operandi with the attacks in Spain and special operations conducted by the police and security forces appeared suspicious and were never satisfacorily answered in the minds of many.

The UK Olympics will undoubtedly focus the media of the world here and this presents a golden opportunity for would be    terrorists to exploit the publicity opportunities and then in turn the opportunities of our own dark forces to demonstrate our expertise and of course justify our increased paranoia  and precautions. m  Personally speaking i would rather undergo a total lobotomy than visit London this summer and i know of many others who have similar feelings.

Pressure from the USA to tighten up our security will undoubtedly continue and this will increase following the embarassing publicity about our complicity with the USA over forced rendition which will soon reach the courts. Of course this might happen  in America but certainly never here    in good old, democratic UK. nor will we be party to false flag type attacks over here no matter how synchronous and expertly timed. At leaste there is a little  sanity in the USA dfor a change, the good old American electoral system have just giveen arch republican contender Rick Santorum.  who in a recent and fortunately rare visit to blighty explained to psycophantic hacks that the UK could never be either       solvent or great so long as there was a NHS over here the Bums Rush.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What SAY NO2 ID  Stand For

NO2ID is a campaigning organisation. We are a single-issue group focussed on the threat to liberty and privacy posed by the rapid growth of the database state, of which "ID cards" were the most visible part. We are entirely independent. We do not endorse any party, nor campaign on any other topic.

We aim to publicise the case against state control of personal identity among the general public, in the media, and at every level in government. NO2ID's members are from all sorts of backgrounds and hold all sorts of opinions on other questions. They almost certainly include people much like you. Please support us.

National ID cards are gone. But the infrastructure survives as the biometric permits for foreign residents. Mass-surveillance has not disappeared. The coalition's promises to "roll back the database state" are ineffectual. Indeed official demands for personal information are multiplying:

Travel by car or motorbike and your number plate is read by a network of cameras and that record of movements passed to a central store.

Leave or enter the country and all travel details you give will be put on a database that is available to dozens of UK and foreign agencies. The UK is lobbying for this to be written into EU law.

Visit the doctor and the details may be captured. A new agency is planned to continue centralising and sharing of medical records, expanding the role of the existing Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Monitoring of telephone and internet use continues to increase; all 'traffic data' is now kept for inspection, by law.

Ever more public bodies are getting powers to share the information they have about you, on fine-sounding pretexts.

And …

To tie it all together, perhaps, a more subtle government scheme for "identity assurance" is on the agenda. Depending on how that is implemented it could be harmless; or it could be very bad news indeed for privacy and personal liberty.

Please help us now

NO2ID identified the dangers of "the database state" back in 2004. It is still the only organisation specifically dedicated to tackling it. Some people think it is all over. But privacy needs defending more than ever. We will continue to oppose dangerous new schemes, but also press for positive changes:

protections in law for privacy that are available to everyone

the right to control your own personal information

entitlement to compensation if your privacy is abused

We have done much in the last six years. We can do more. But we need your help. If you think privacy is worth fighting for, then please support us.

What you need to know about the Database State

The 'database state' is what we call the tendency to try to use computers to manage society by watching people. There are many interlocking government plans that do this. Together they mean officials poking into your private life more than ever before.

The list of database state initiatives on which NO2ID is campaigning, along with a wide range of other organisations, is here.

There was a lot of confusion about the government's proposed National Identity Scheme, and it didn't help that the Home Office often gave misleading information. Our summary of the scheme is here.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 coalition government now cruising for a bruising over surveillance

Well first of all we start with bent MPs on the make screwing the system to pay for everything from Duck ponds to Kit Kat bars including a bunch of second homes' Clearly they believed that they could have everything they wanted because the Taxpayers always waiting in the wings to pick up the bill. Then we find out that its not surprising that MPs will not be grassed up by the police because many of them are also on the take. Sometimes they were quite obviously in it together particularly if it was anything to do with News International proprietor where there were always rich pickings. Sooner or later this was all going to come out into the light of day and the light never shone brighter than when some of the less bent journos uncovered the way to exploit the grief of parents and dead children by hacking into private phone calls and cellphone messages. Now our so called government is preparing to hand all our private online info into the hands of hackers, IE their own hackers.
We are heading for a system of on-line control similar to that of China or Iran where the state will always know who you are, where you are, and who you associate with and will eventually be able to control much of your Internet activity. Only today, China has clamped down on bloggers and an unknown number of websites. No doubt this info will then find its way into the hands of the marketing man and political manipulators who will know exactly what to do with it. This is a total disgrace in China or Iran and an even greater disgrace when we are talking about the UK especially, coming as it does from those who in opposition always objected to the surveillance society ID cards, etc. It just goes to show how little we can trust politicians of virtually all persuasions. The lib dens now have a virtually unblemished record of blatant hypocrisy over the last couple of years. If the Tories believe that this level of paranoia will avert terrorism they are even crazier and more out of touch than we already knew them to be. I would predict more terrorism rather than less. certainly its sending messages which can only help the Taliban in a recruiting drive much more than for the coalition. How can it be that at a time when we are all allegedly "in the same boat" ie. badly strapped for cash at all levels from the disibility claimant right the way up to the government departments, we can suddenly embark on even an intention to spend billions on the surveillance and database state. Thje government is still whinging about the trouble of freedom of information yet seemingly ready to gather even greater amounts of information out all of us, yet at the same time be prepared to clamp down on any info which we might rightly and understandably wish to see. If They do want their bread buttered on both sides, it will only ensure that whichever side it falls on if dropped, the bread will still be completly in
In short collecting this data for no good reason, simply wont work, its a major task with vast costs we cannot afford or have the government been lying all along as usual and actually have loads of money and there is no recession, Its an exercise in the creation of paranoia and will antagonise Islamic extremists and the taliban to send yet more or our troops home in boxes. It is we the taxpayers who will be expected to cough up all the dosh and then they really do expect the ISPs to do all this work. Camoron and his cronies, as this last week proves, really dont live in the real world of ordinary people and actually want to live in China or Iran or at leaste recreate their system here in the UK, but of course, they have consistenly demonstrated a lack of competence proving their lack of competence. Keep your nose out of our life Camoron and the same goes for the snooping hackers in the papers and their collaborators in the police and security services.
Of Course as someon said at the time of writing, the Vast majority of people have nothing to do with all this. Most people are not terrorists or serius criminals and strongly resent this as a slur on the morality of innocent users of the internet. The implication is that we are all guilty of something and no matter what Nick Clegg says about the dreaded word "Consultation" and safeguards, some of this slurring is going to stick, further removing trust in hipocritical government and all the involved departments. As the olympics draws ever closer the actual costs become ever larger, The original Costs were estimated at £2.9 BN but now they have esculated out of all controll to £9.3BN on top of this there are now at least another £2BN in costs expected to arise from this latest nonesense and as this is an early estimate, there is no reason to expect this is the end of this escalation in costs. which now looks set to exceed £12 BN New Labour were given a big kick up the arse over their Database ID and Passports legislation which the majority of people just didnt want, and now we have much more wide ranging intentions to monitor practically anything that most people regard as private and this time by the very people who opposed the original crap. Clegg will undoubtedly be held responsible for all this and will not be forgiven. If the Lib Dems are ever going to be forgiven for being the turncoats they clearly are they are unlikely ever to be taken seriously if they continue backing this kind of legislation. they are not just the party of broken promises, they are now a completely spent force in Liberal politics and are unlikely ever to be trusted again in any matter.

As if all this was not enough there are now   problems with the Ken Clarke proposal to have secret courts behind closed doors, Radio four let it slip  yesterday morning that the Americans are disturbed by the horrible habit we Brits have of disclosing information on security etc on security. And that the repressive security and surveillance measures now in the pipeline are at the behests of the men in dark suits in Washington who feel that we should be as repressive and undemocratic as they are and they think we should be tightening up our own security to bring us up to speed with them.  This to  some extent explains why both the Tories and LibDems have suddenly started calling for new measures which they vocifierously opposed when in oppositin. The coilition may yet have to abandon this regime if they are to have any hope of re-election.  Of course if Labour were to get back in, this would convenient they could      then relaunch their ID and          Database/  I wonder if the Yanks will send any dosh to New Labour to help them with their election battle in a couple of years. It would seem that on both sides of the big pond no matter who is elected the fascists will get in yet again.  More body bags are sure to be needed. 

Well first of all we start with bent MPs on the make screwing the system to pay for everything from Duck ponds to Kit Kat bars including a bunch of second homes' Clearly they believed that they could have everything they wanted because the Taxpayers always waiting in the wings to pick up the bill. Then we find out that its not surprising that MPs will not be grassed up by the police because many of them are also on the take. Sometimes they were quite obviously in it together particularly if it was anything to do with News International proprietor where there were always rich pickings. Sooner or later this was all going to come out into the light of day and the light never shone brighter than when some of the less bent journos uncovered the way to exploit the grief of parents and dead children by hacking into private phone calls and cellphone messages. Now our so called government is preparing to hand all our private online info into the hands of hackers, IE their own hackers.

We are heading for a system of on-line control similar to that of China or Iran where the state will always know who you are, where you are, and who you associate with and will eventually be able to control much of your Internet activity. Only today, China has clamped down on bloggers and an unknown number of websites. No doubt this info will then find its way into the hands of the marketing man and political manipulators who will know exactly what to do with it. This is a total disgrace in China or Iran and an even greater disgrace when we are talking about the UK especially, coming as it does from those who in opposition always objected to the surveillance society ID cards, etc. It just goes to show how little we can trust politicians of virtually all persuasions. The lib dens now have a virtually unblemished record of blatant hypocrisy over the last couple of years. If the Tories believe that this level of paranoia will avert terrorism they are even crazier and more out of touch than we already knew them to be. I would predict more terrorism rather than less. certainly its sending messages which can only help the Taliban in a recruiting drive much more than for the coalition. How can it be that at a time when we are all allegedly "in the same boat" ie. badly strapped for cash at all levels from the disibility claimant right the way up to the government departments, we can suddenly embark on even an intention to spend billions on the surveillance and database state. Thje government is still whinging about the trouble of freedom of information yet seemingly ready to gather even greater amounts of information out all of us, yet at the same time be prepared to clamp down on any info which we might rightly and understandably wish to see. If They do want their bread buttered on both sides, it will only ensure that whichever side it falls on if dropped, the bread will still be completly inedible.

In short collecting this data for no good reason, simply wont work, its a major task with vast costs we cannot afford or have the government been lying all along as usual and actually have loads of money and there is no recession, Its an exercise in the creation of paranoia and will antagonise Islamic extremists and the taliban to send yet more or our troops home in boxes. It is we the taxpayers who will be expected to cough up all the dosh and then they really do expect the ISPs to do all this work. Camoron and his cronies, as this last week proves, really dont live in the real world of ordinary people and actually want to live in China or Iran or at leaste recreate their system here in the UK, but of course, they have consistenly demonstrated a lack of competence proving their lack of competence. Keep your nose out of our life Camoron and the same goes for the snooping hackers in the papers and their collaborators in the police and security services.

Of Course as someon said at the time of writing, the Vast majority of people have nothing to do with all this. Most people are not terrorists or serius criminals and strongly resent this as a slur on the morality of innocent users of the internet. The implication is that we are all guilty of something and no matter what Nick Clegg says about the dreaded word "Consultation" and safeguards, some of this slurring is going to stick, further removing trust in hipocritical government and all the involved departments. As the olympics draws ever closer the actual costs become ever larger, The original Costs were estimated at £2.9 BN but now they have esculated out of all controll to £9.3BN on top of this there are now at least another £2BN in costs expected to arise from this latest nonesense and as this is an early estimate, there is no reason to expect this is the end of this escalation in costs. which now looks set to exceed £12 BN New Labour were given a big kick up the arse over their Database ID and Passports legislation which the majority of people just didnt want, and now we have much more wide ranging intentions to monitor practically anything that most people regard as private and this time by the very people who opposed the original crap. Clegg will undoubtedly be held responsible for all this and will not be forgiven. If the Lib Dems are ever going to be forgiven for being the turncoats they clearly are they are unlikely ever to be taken seriously if they continue backing this kind of legislation. they are not just the party of broken promises, they are now a completely spent force in Liberal politics and are unlikely ever to be trusted again in any matter.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


coilition government now cruising for a bruising

Well first of all we start with bent MPs on the make screwing the system to pay for everything from Duck ponds to Kit Kat bars including a bunch of second homes' Clearly they believed that they could have everything they wanted because the Taxpayerwas always waiting in the wings to pick up the bill. Then we find out that its not surprising that MPs will not be grassed up by the police because many of them are also on the take. Sometimes they were quite obviously in it together particularly if it was anything to do with News International proprietor where there were always rich pickings. Sooner or later this was all going to come out into the light of day and the light never shone brighter than when some of the less bent journos uncovered the way to exploit the grief of parents and dead children by hacking into private phone calls and cellphone messages. Now our so called government is preparing to hand all our private online info into the hands of hackers, ie their own hackers.

We are heading for a system of online control similar to that of China or Iran where the state will always know who you are, where you are, and who you associate with and will eventually be able to control much of your internet activity. Only today, China has clamped down on bloggers and an unknown number of websites. No doubt this info will then find its way into the hands of the marketing man and political manipulators who will know exactly what to do with it. This is a total disgrace in China or Iran and an even greater disgrace when we are talking about the UK especially, coming as it does from those who in opposition always objected to the surveilance society ID cards, etc. It just goes to show how little we can trust politicians of virtually all persuasions. The lib dems now have a virtually unblemished record of blatant hipocrisy over the last couple of years. If the tories believe that this level of paranoia will avert terrorism they are even crazier and more out of touch than we already knew them to be. I would predict more terrorism rather than less. certainly its sending messages which can only help the taliban in a recruiting drive much more than for the coilition. How can it be that at a time when we are all allegedly "in the same boat" ie. badly scrapped for cash at all levels from the disibility claimant right the way up to the government departments, we can suddenly embark on even an intention to spend billions on the surveillance and database state. Thje government is still whinging about the trouble of freedom of information yet seemingly ready to gather even greater amounts of information out all of us, yet at the same time be prepared to clamp down on any info which we might rightly and understandably wish to see. If They do want their bread buttered on both sides, it will only ensure that whichever side it falls on if dropped, the bread will still be completly inedible.