My Leeds correspondent came to stay for a few days this week and aside from the normal , for us , discourse on waste and drinking water quality we fell to talking about the renewed paranoia from the main parties about the new so called threats to our so called democrasy. Despite this desire from Westminster for monitoring of the vast majority of our phone calls and emails to keep us secure, hah bloody hah, there has been no terrorist outrage in the UK since the 7/7 attacks on the transport system in London. Now of course there are always some random nutters and extremists threatening any democratic system, but by any system its been very quiet on the Mad Bomber front for the last five years.
Bearing in mind that even 7/7 is viewed with suspicion from some cynical but not necessarily insane quarters, because similarities of timing and modus operandi with the attacks in Spain and special operations conducted by the police and security forces appeared suspicious and were never satisfacorily answered in the minds of many.
The UK Olympics will undoubtedly focus the media of the world here and this presents a golden opportunity for would be terrorists to exploit the publicity opportunities and then in turn the opportunities of our own dark forces to demonstrate our expertise and of course justify our increased paranoia and precautions. m Personally speaking i would rather undergo a total lobotomy than visit London this summer and i know of many others who have similar feelings.
Pressure from the USA to tighten up our security will undoubtedly continue and this will increase following the embarassing publicity about our complicity with the USA over forced rendition which will soon reach the courts. Of course this might happen in America but certainly never here in good old, democratic UK. nor will we be party to false flag type attacks over here no matter how synchronous and expertly timed. At leaste there is a little sanity in the USA dfor a change, the good old American electoral system have just giveen arch republican contender Rick Santorum. who in a recent and fortunately rare visit to blighty explained to psycophantic hacks that the UK could never be either solvent or great so long as there was a NHS over here the Bums Rush.
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