In the 1970s we had a referendum in this country. It was about Joining the Common Market and was quite simple, Did we want to join the Common Market? Yes or No?? We were given an opportunity to decide our countrys future by Harold Wilson but we did know that there was a list of differences between the Common Market which was a very useful trading partnership and the EU which was more than a hop skip and a jump in the general direction of Federilisation. Including surrendering our countries decision making over laws, finances etc. The British people voted YES to the Common Market and ever since have been waiting for the chance to vote NO to a Federal Europe.
Having been of a suspicious nature almost since birth, I Voted No to even the Common Market because i already knew that politicians, whatever party they belong to, and no matter what they say right now, are always likely to change their minds if it should affect the Party Power Base or their individual futures. And often with disasterous results. Who would have thought that a Labour Government would take us into several wars. A Common Market which was all about peace and harmony and trade, certainly! But wars, no no no. Untill after waiting for many years of Thatherism, along came Tony Blair aka. Tony B Liar who was prepared to stop at nothing in order to do the bidding of W Bush. Even, if it meant falsifying evidence and even when it meant murdering Sadam Hussein. Its not just the Russians that have show trials.
When it came to monetry Union we would already be exchanging Euros had not our own Governments incompetence intervened. That little jaunt into the unknown cost the UK many billions when he had to hurriedly extricate ourselves. So where are we now? Well it would seem that not content with having to pay for our own stupidity we now have to pay for the incompetence of the Federal Reserve in the USA and of course for the follow on problems of Greece, Ireland and probably Italy and Spain..... there may be even more before this mess is sorted out and even the new deal hammered out by the 27 last night is no guarantee of success in the mid to longer term.
I thought it was pretty rich of the US Gov telling the EU that we had better get a move on and sort all this before any more damage was done. They should have told that to Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. Its no use turning round and saying that it was the greed of small house purchasers just because the Freddy and Fanny et all was handing out suicidally priced mortgages to people they knew could never pay. But. such is the Alice in Wonderland nature of the financial markets, Banks etc.