Of course when you are facing almost certain defeat, even in once traditional Labour heartlands like Manchester you wont be picking up the bills yourself anyway. You can make a nice living out of selling your memoirs, "United Kingdom, My Part In Its Downfall" and an international lecture tour explaining to a slumbering audience, how you managed to not only lead the country to financial collapse but even managed to make things worse.
The choice of Manchester for the first ID Cards pilot scheme which is apparently to be announced today, is revealing too. Could it be revenge for the unwelcome (to him) rejection of Fluoridation in the North West, or merely a dagger in the Labour Heartland ?? So as Manchester Punk rocker Jilted John would have said, "Gordon Is a Moron" Well we knew that didnt we but one mistery remains. Why a Home Secretary like Smith who herself is not unaquainted with failure and incompetence? After all, many are suprised that she is still in Government or even Parliament at all in view of her recent and widely publicised shenanagins over housing. The answer seems to be rather simple New Labour Proverb: When you're in a hole, keep digging and get someone equipped for little else to help you with the spade work.
According to your ID card Mr Brown, you are from Scotland, may I ask you what brings you to Manchester? I think you better accompany me to the Police Station to help us with our enquiries. And ar these porn movies yours Mr Brown? No i think they are Jacquis. !
Since yesterday when i wrote the above, the Government has announced that it will make new provisions over the ruling on Databases from Europe, As one might expect there is more tokenism and those who were arrested for but not charged with an offences will not find themselves free of the stigma of being on a database.
Up to 850,000 innocent people in England and Wales who appear on a national DNA database will have their profiles wiped.
Home Office minister Vernon Coaker says keeping the DNA of people who are arrested will ensure murderers and rapists who would otherwise escape justice will be convicted.
Shami Chakrabarti, head of civil liberties organisation Liberty, says that while DNA evidence is useful, the bigger the database is, the bigger the risk it will be abused.
Minor suspected offences will remain on the database for up to six years and serious offences will be held for more than twice that. It would appear that in its attempts to not conform fully with the Europan ruling it has abandoned the presumption of innocence. They claimed on radio that the mere fact of them being arrested for an offence was an indication that the innocent suspect would at some time in the future commit an officen and that further charges or offences were literally only a matter of time. Talk about weasel words.
In Scotland if a suspect is arrested and subsequently charges are dropped or he is found innocent, the database records will be removed immediately. Even if some people do go on to re-offend, this should not be used as an excuse to keep long term records. One definition of a Police State is that the authorities keep records of innocent people. If that was the only indication of creeping fascism it might not be so serious but over the last fifteen years, the Police have been given major new powers over individuals and groups.
So what we have here is a police forece that is presumed to have powers of prophecy and the next stage is that police officers will have to be present at every birth. As each new life emerges into the world a constable will be make a note of its "particulars" and turn to his seargent and say "Looks like a wrong-un to me sarge, shall i cuff him ? Presumably the proud mother will be charged with aiding and abetting.
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