If ever proof were needed that Britain should not be involved in the Iraq or Afghani conflicts then todays announcement by the British Government that there will be major cuts in the armed forces merely to pay for more helicopters in Afghanistan must surely be it. Not only should we never have sent our troops into these conflicts at the behest of the notorious liar Tony Blair, we now know that we could not afford it anyway. Undoubtedly the credit crunch has hastened this realisation but for the last two or three years the armed forces have complained bitterly that lives are being lost because of an acute shortage of helicopters. Now we lear that we will at last get the choppers but to do so, bases will be closed, non front line jobs will be axed, a couple of Navy ships will go and one of our two aircraft carriers will not even have aircraft to carry other than the helicopters of course. Even training exercises will be be reduced.
For far too long the UK has tried to Punch above its weight but now this can be seen to be little short of posturing and for no good reason. We have been selling our own troops and airmen short for far too long as it is. Now we will at last get the choppers that our troops need but so much more will be lost. What a total disgrace and most of this can be laid at the door of our totally discredited ex-prime minister. To make a mistake is human but to follow an asshole like George W Bush into battle must top the lot. In the Iraq conflict the UK component was little more than a stocking filler and now the enquiry currently underway into the Iraq blunder shows how we were totally ignored by the US President. Presumably Blair held on to W Bushes trouser legs hoping for favours in the future. What an indiot he was, we didnt even get any thanks or respect. Not in our name please, not in our name.
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