Well here we are in the first week of the General Election campaign and its just like old times. Gone is the cross party co-operation which was never much in evidence anyway but now the only time its mentioned is when they confront the distinct possibility of a Hung Parliament.
Bring it on I say. A hung parliement destroys the dreams of the megalomaniacs because it weakens the party structure and reduces the need for adversorial shananigins and forces the major parties actually co-operation and discuss and debate the issues. For example if Thatcher had had only a small majority do you think she would have got away with shutting all the coal mines in the 80s and virtually closing down the North of England. I very much doubt it.
Similarly do you think Blair would have been able to lead the UK into two Wars at the behest of the Madman Bush and his cronies. ? I doubt that two. Ironically the current crisis in the finances is now spreading to the employment arena, both public and private and as its going to get mighty tough no matter who wins this election, its pretty certain that no on party will have adequate power to pass laws unless its receives help from the opposition or the minor parties.
I can see why the Tory and Labour Party hate this prospect so much but i have absolutely no sympathy for them. and if the Greens or the LibDems have a little more say in what happens in the next decade, then good show i say, this is more democracy, not less and lets have more of it. And if environmental pressure groups etc have a little more say, then even better.
Well here we are in the first week of the General Election campaign and its just like old times. Gone is the cross party co-operation which was never much in evidence anyway but now the only time its mentioned is when they confront the distinct possibility of a Hung Parliament.
Bring it on I say. A hung parliement destroys the dreams of the megalomaniacs because it weakens the party structure and reduces the need for adversorial shananigins and forces the major parties actually co-operation and discuss and debate the issues. For example if Thatcher had had only a small majority do you think she would have got away with shutting all the coal mines in the 80s and virtually closing down the North of England. I very much doubt it.
Similarly do you think Blair would have been able to lead the UK into two Wars at the behest of the Madman Bush and his cronies. ? I doubt that two. Ironically the current crisis in the finances is now spreading to the employment arena, both public and private and as its going to get mighty tough no matter who wins this election, its pretty certain that no on party will have adequate power to pass laws unless its receives help from the opposition or the minor parties.
I can see why the Tory and Labour Party hate this prospect so much but i have absolutely no sympathy for them. and if the Greens or the LibDems have a little more say in what happens in the next decade, then good show i say, this is more democracy, not less and lets have more of it. And if environmental pressure groups etc have a little more say, then even better.
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