When the issue is one of tax and revenue debt, as in Council Tax, PAYE, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Sickness Benefits, Pensions etc. If the authorities makmistake, a clerical error, a computer failure or an out right blunder, it is always our fault and never theirs as i know from bitter experience. I am still paying off council tax debt which in truth i should never have been forced to pay. And if you get totally cheesed off with this because you are ill, totally broke or the victim of outrageous circumstance or all three, Tough luck my friend, you should have started a career in banking.
People like him should be elected and not appointed every year so that should they prove worrying arrogant, we can get rid of them. Thes people are not appointed by God but more often by the Buggins Turn principle. and ultimately paid for by we the general public... the taxpayers. Normally Isolated from public Gaze Dave Harkness
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